Press Release: Email Veritas Awarded Patent for Groundbreaking Email Security Technology

Victoria, BC: October 20, 2020 – Email Veritas, a leader in the cybersecurity domain, is thrilled to announce that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has granted it Patent No. 10,812,495 B2 for the "Secure Personalized Trust-Based Message Classification System and Method" on October 20, 2020. This prestigious patent, applied for by UVic Industry Partnerships Inc., based in Victoria, BC, Canada, is a testament to Email Veritas's commitment to pioneering sophisticated technologies for enhancing digital communication security.

Issa Traore, co-founder and CEO of Email Veritas, along with Marcelo Luiz Brocardo, co-founder and based in Santa Catarina, Brazil, are the inventors behind this innovative technology. Together, they have developed a system that significantly elevates the efficacy of email security through a comprehensive analysis of email messages, utilizing various features such as stylometric analysis, origin location, and attached file and embedded URL features.

"Receiving this patent is not only an honor but a reflection of our dedication to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in protecting digital communication," stated Issa Traore, underscoring the importance of this achievement to Email Veritas's mission.

This groundbreaking system advances the fight against phishing and other cyber threats by comparing extracted features of email messages against profiles of known senders and recognized suspicious senders. This methodology allows for a nuanced determination of the authenticity of sender identities, thereby enhancing the security of email communications.

As the digital landscape continually evolves, Email Veritas remains steadfast in its dedication to developing leading-edge technologies that address the multifaceted challenges of cybersecurity. This patent not only fortifies Email Veritas's stature as an innovator in the field but also exemplifies our unwavering commitment to securing the online world.

Details of the patent can be accessed here.

For further information about Email Veritas and its array of security solutions, please visit our website at

About Email Veritas

Email Veritas is at the vanguard of cybersecurity, offering advanced solutions aimed at safeguarding digital communications. Founded by visionaries Issa Traore and Marcelo Luiz Brocardo, Email Veritas is propelled by a commitment to innovation, excellence, and the protection of digital interactions worldwide.

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