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<sstring value="Phishing prevention focuses on strategies and technologies that help individuals and organizations avoid falling prey to phishing attacks."> 防钓鱼重视策略同技术,帮助个人同组织避免中钓鱼攻击。 </sstring> <sstring value="This includes the use of email filters, security awareness training, and adopting secure browsing practices."> 包括使用邮件过滤、防护意识训练、添养安全浏览习惯。 </sstring> <sstring value="Preventing phishing attacks is a continuous effort that involves keeping abreast of the latest phishing techniques and implementing multi-layered security measures."> 防止钓鱼攻击是一个持续经过,包含紧跟最新钓鱼技巧同实施多层次安全措施。 </sstring>


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